Juego de Embrague

Código: 6733

Tamaño: 13"



Size: 13" 

Clutch Kit 300 4245-4270 13" Cable and Linkage Type

Supplied with Continuous Running Bearing to cover Cable and Linkage type Applications 

Overweight Product +30KG – Requires Skid Delivery.

S.73046, S73046, 30/200-72, VPG1225, 3701015M91, 3909542M91, VPG1225 , VPG1669, 3701011M91, 333.0138.10, VPG2234, 30/221-72, S.72914, S72914, S73047, S.73047, VPG5093, 30/231-16, 500 0885 10, 500088510, 3700527M1, 6223296M1, 1861240M1, 1868225M1, 195508M1, 3585341M1, 3933520, 3933522, 82010859, 833084M1, 892862M1, 892862M2, 892862M3, C5NN7580A, D8NN7580BB, E4NN7580AA, K620085, NT6780, 633 3077 11, 633.3077.11, 633307711, 3613975M91, 3701015M92, 3701015E92, 3701015R91, 3701015R92, 458133000811

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